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Pet Dermatology & Ear Care

At Heartland Animal Hospital, we are committed to providing the highest level of care, particularly in the areas of pet dermatology and ear care. Our advanced MedRX otoendoscope is your pet’s window to better health, allowing us to diagnose and treat ear and dermatological issues precisely.

a person using an otoscope to check the ear of a dog

Chronic Ear Disease – Solving the Puzzle

Our specialized MedRX otoendoscope is a window deep into the ear! We can take magnified images, flush, and take biopsy and culture samples through the working channel of the scope. This allows a finely tuned treatment plan designed to return the ear to normal health and function. Our veterinarians have attended more than 60 hours of specialized training for treating Ear and Dermatology Diseases.

Below, the picture on your left shows exudate and debris trapped deep in the horizontal ear canal in the area of the eardrum. The center picture shows a small catheter inserted through the ear drum (myringotomy) to flush and treat the infected middle ear. The picture on the right shows the ear drum (tympanic membrane) before the myringotomy. Note the opaque appearance of the ear drum, a structure that should be translucent.

close up of eardrum
close up of eardrum
close up of eardrum
The pictures below are from a dog we recently treated for severe chronic otitis (ear infection). This dog had suffered from months of ongoing infections.

The picture on your left shows the status of the ear prior to cleaning. Note the heavy pus-like exudate on the walls of the ear canal. The middle ear chamber was full of this infection-related debris as well. The center picture shows a view of the partially completed flushing and cleaning process. The image on the right shows the cleaned ear with a catheter extending into the middle ear as an infusion was placed to treat the infection. With a good follow-up plan, this dog’s ears can return to normal function and status. This can be true for your dog or cat as well!!

inside ear infection close up
inside ear infection close up
inside ear infection close up
Chronic ear disease is one of the most uncomfortable and common problems faced by dogs and some cats. Yet, there are solutions to this aggravating situation. With high level diagnostics and a thorough understanding of why your pet struggles with this problem we can help you control this problem and keep your pet’s ears calm, comfortable, and healthy. We’d love to help you end the frustration and pain of your pet friend’s struggle with chronic ear disease.

The Importance of Protecting the Skin Barrier

  • The skin is the body’s first line of defense. Healthy skin protects the dog from infection, dermatitis, and helps regulate the body. The skin “barrier” keeps bad things (bacteria, yeast, allergies) out and good things (moisture, lipids, ect.) in. We will work with you to use methods designed to rebuild this barrier so the skin can function correctly again. When this function is restored, itching and infections improve.

Why Choose Dermatology & Ear Care at Heartland Animal Hospital?

  • At Heartland Animal Hospital, we understand the importance of keeping your pet’s skin and ears healthy. At the first sign of problems, we are here to help you with medicated shampoos, oral medications, and prescription diets. We may perform diagnostics to get to the root of the problem. We use advanced tools like video ear scopes to help diagnose and treat.
  • Excessive itching and scratching are often secondary to an allergy. An allergy is when the immune system overreacts to a particular substance called an allergen. Potential allergens can include pollen, flea bites, dust, molds, or food. Most pets with allergies develop skin symptoms, especially itching, although the allergy may also affect the nose, eyes, or digestive system.
  • Chronic ear disease is one of the most painful, bothersome and common problems faced by dogs and some cats. Yet, there are solutions to this aggravating situation. With high level diagnostics and a thorough understanding of why your pet struggles with this problem we can help you control this problem and keep your pet’s ears calm, comfortable, and healthy.
  • We’d love to help relieve the frustration and discomfort of your pet friend’s struggle with acute chronic ear disease or skin issues.